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── meche integration aftercare ──

everything you need to know about 

looking after your meche integration system


meche integration sytem aftercare

A Meche Integration System is a commitment and requires additional time dedicated to aftercare. This will ensure your natural hair also remains in healthy condition during wear.

Following our recommended guidelines will ensure problem free wear and extend the lifespan of your hair replacement system.

Establishing a good aftercare routine is essential.


post fitting

Your newly fitted system should not feel uncomfortable or painful although it can take a while to become accustomed to, not just physically but psychologically and emotionally.

After installation occasionally clients report their head feels 'itchy'. Not everyone will experience this, but it is perfectly normal and generally settles down within the first week. (Patting the itch rather than scratching is advised)

If you have any concerns please feel free to contact us.

We recommend you wait a week after fitting to allow the system to settle and the scalp to rest before shampooing,.


natural hair loss

Natural hair loss is normal and part of the hair growth cycle.

On average you lose between 50 - 150 hairs a day, These are the hairs you find in your hairbrush, collecting in the plughole on your shoulders etc.

Your hair will go through different cycles continuously throughout the head.

Your cycle my change or be interrupted at any time caused by many factors such as stress, hormonal changes, diet, medication changes, illness, pregnancy or menopause.

Clients who have a diagnosed hair loss condition may lose higher volumes of hair due to the nature of the condition, all of which will have been discussed during consultation.

We monitor and document any changes during your system wear. Should you experience any adverse changes we will make you aware and make recommendations for medical referral if felt necessary. Wie may not refit your system until these changes have settled or resolved.

The health of your natural hair & scalp is always our priority.


during wear / hair growth

Your natural hair will continue to grow whilst wearing your system The rate of growth will vary client to client.

As a result your connections will move further down the head away from the scalp, loosening the system. Your hair will also continue its natural shedding cycle. The hairs which would usually be found in your hair brush or plughole will remain trapped inside the connections and underneath the meche..

These shed hairs can be recognised as loose sprouts of unattached hair with a tiny white dot on the end.

This is NORMAL and no cause for alarm. 



The Wefts and Parting are stitched in position onto the meche base with a bonded nylon thread. The thread is incredibly strong.  Each row is started & finished with a series of secure knots. Very rarely does this thread come undone. However if this does occur the entire row will not become unstitched, if remedied quickly as each stitch is locked before adjoining the next.

Please contact us ASAP and we can restitch the effected area.

Any stitching which comes undone within the first 2 weeks will be restitched free of charge. (Provided recommended aftercare products are being used and aftercare guidance being followed)



The recommended hair extension brush should always be used. These are designed with a flexible base and  flexible bristles to allow brushing directly on the root area without damaging or snagging the meche or connections. The brush should NOT have any 'bobbles' on the end of the bristles as this risks becoming caught in the meche.
  1. Section hair row by row
  2. Take 1st section from the bottom
  3. Support the root area by holding in a ponytail with your hand.
  4. Begin by brushing the ends in a downward motion
  5. Work your way up the ponytail , supporting the roots, until you reach the root / attachments.
  6. Move hand and and brush the root area in a downward motion the flexible  bristles will reach into the scalp and brusher the attachments without snagging/catching
  7. Take down next row and repeat.
  8. Work through all sections including the closure until entire head is brushed.

* By beginning at the ends this prevents pulling and dragging knots and tangles through the entire length preventing excessive strain on the hair and scalp

Pictured here is the Abigail Nicholls Hair Extension Brush

All the Abigail Nicholls aftercare products can be purchased in salon or via our online SHOP



The Meche Integration System does not require washing more than once a week. (Twice a week max) The scalp is entirely covered by the Meche and Parting so will not appear greasy. 
  1. Brush hair before washing.

  2. Shampooing should be done in an upright position in the shower.
  3. Ensure the system and  hair is thoroughly wet (saturated)
  4. Use a 10 pence size amount of Abigail Nicholls Velvet Hair Extension Shampoo, & massage between hands slightly to begin a lather before putting into hair.
  5. Firstly apply to the scalp in areas at the sides and back as this is where the majority of the wefts will sit.
  6. Very gently massage the root area using an 'up & down' motion (not the traditional circular motion to prevent twisting the connections and massage into the scalp. You can use your free hand to lift the weft rows to ensure every area is reached. Don't rinse yet.
  7. Take a 2nd 10 pence sized amount of shampoo and massage into the top of the parting hair. Massage gently using  downward strokes in a smoothing motion.  Allow the suds to flow over the lengths but don't rub or massage in. *The scalp is where the hair oils and dirt accumulates and the area that requires washing.
  8. Rinse thoroughly. The suds will lift surface dirt from the lengths during rinsing.
  9. Repeat 4-8 again. The second wash is the most effective and the deep cleanse.
  10. Ensure you rinse thoroughly as shampoo not rinsed from the scalp can create build up and cause itching., build up on the scalp & around the connections causing paint to peel It can also deteriorate the meche. 

All Abigail Nicholls product range can be purchased in salon or via our online SHOP. 



Always condition hair after shampooing.

Some conditioners contain heavy silicones which can cause heavy build up on the hair causing it to be lank and 'clump' together, so always use the recommended Abigail Nicholls Plush Hair Extension conditioners

  1. NEVER apply conditioner to the root area as this can cause the connections to slide out.
  2. Squeeze out excess water
  3. Part hair into two (or more for thicker hair) ponytail sections
  4. Begin on one ponytail applying conditioner to the ends and work up through the lengths no higher than chin to avoid the connections and meche.
  5. Repeat process on 2nd ponytail
  6. On the first ponytail Use the Abigail Nicholls Shampoo Brush & begin brushing from the ends pressing against the palm of the other hand,, sandwiching hair between the brush and hand working the conditioner in and evenly distributing throughout the lengths. Go no higher than the chin, avoiding the connections & meche. This technique will not only distribute conditioner evenly it will aid tangle free brushing. once towel dried.
  7. Repeat on 2nd ponytail.
  8. Leave in hair whilst washing body
  9. Rinse thoroughly. lifting between the rows
  10. Squeeze out excess water
  11. Wrap in towel.
  12. Blot dry, do not rub vigorously.

*If the closure / parting requires conditioning, section this off and rinse by leaning this section forward to prevent conditioner seeping onto connections & meche.

*Once a week use the Abigail Nicholls Lavish Intense deep conditioning treatment as this will extend the longevity of your system..

All the Abigail Nicholls aftercare products can be purchased in salon or via our online SHOP



Do not leave wrapped in towel for a prolonged period of time as this can lead to matting.

Never tie the hair up or go to bed when the hair is wet as this will also cause matting.

  1. Gently blot excess moisture do not rub.
  2. Separate into two ponytails
  3. Using the recommended leave in conditioning spray / detangler and spray liberally through lengths, avoiding root area.
  4. Using a wide tooth comb and the brushing technique comb through the lengths of each ponytail no higher than the chin to avoid the connections. This will ensure the product is evenly distributed and detangled. .  
  5. Then section the hair as the brushing technique and using your hair extension brush, brush the root area throughout the head.
  6. Resection into two and apply the Abigail Nicholls Quartz 4 Point Serum to smooth, add shine, combat frizz, prevent split ends and also protect from heat. Beginning at the ends and work into the hair no higher than the chin
  7. Rough dry until approx 90% dry. Your system will retain a lot of moisture so this will take longer.
  8. The meche should be dried row by row starting from the bottom. Begin by sectioning the rest away and leave bottom row free. 
  9. The heat of the dryer should be set to medium, not hot. Keep the hairdryer nozzle facing down the hair and dry the rmeche and connection area.  once the meche area is completely dry you can begin drying the hair. We recommend using the Abigail Nicholls blow-dry brush as it has flexible natural bristles that won't pull or catch the attachments or melt with heat. Continue drying the length.
  10. Using the cold shot setting cool the root area.
  11. Take down next row and repeat process throughout the head.

The connections are made from a powder coated copper and will form a green residue over time if left damp regularly. (This is caused by copper oxidisation and what you find on the copper pipes in your home)

It can also transfer a visible green colour to blonde hair.

The paint can also begin to peel if the rings are constantly left damp.

For faster drying of longer lengths we recommend the Abigail Nicholls Flow-Dry Brush

All our brushes can be purchased in salon or in our online SHOP


heated styling tools

Your system is 100% Human Hair and can be heat styled just as you would your natural hair.

Using the Abigail Nicholls Opulant leave in conditioner and Quartz Serum will provide heat protection and help to moisturise the hair.

You can also use a other heat protection but you must check the ingredients do not contain the sunscreen Avobenzone as this will lead to discolouration in blond extensions. (See Holiday Aftercare)


styling products

Styling products can be used but ensure the meche area and connections are avoided.

Be sure to check the ingredient list for the sunscreen Avobenzone which is commonly used in products with UV filters and heat protection products.s this will lead to discolouration in blond hair.

Please refer to Holiday Aftercare for more info on Avobenzone and other names it it is listed as.



Tie hair in a loose, low ponytail or plait. (Plaits also produce nice waves for the next day) 

NEVER go to bed with wet hair as this will lead to matting.

We recommend the use of a silk pillowcase and scrunchie.


separating the rows

The unique placement of the weft hair naturally keeps the rows more separated due to the bigger space between each row, (depending on how many rows are fitted)

To prevent matting of the free natural hair which has been pulled through the meche and the rows of weft hair, t is important to separate the rows regularly and at least once a week.

Section hair row by row, starting with the bottom row.

Using your fingers run between each row underneath weft top

Gently tease apart any natural hair that feels matted or tangled.

Using your extension brush, brush the free natural hair between each row using the brushing technique paying particular attention to the root area.

Bring down the remaining hair from the weft row brushing both the natural hair and extensions from above the weft top

Repeat row by row.

Good daily brushing will prevent tangling & matting.

If an unmanageable matt has formed contact the salon to book a maintenance appointment ASAP.



Meche Integration Systems are cut using a completely different technique than natural hair, so always return to your hair replacement specialist to perform this for you.

Having your system trimmed during wear will help keep  it in pristine, healthy condition.


colour fade & colouring your system

Hair used for Meche Integration Systems & Hair Extensions undergo colour processing during manufacture.

The hair when it is selected at source is Virgin Hair, meaning it has never undergone a chemical process.  

The hair begins at a very dark shade from black to dark brown.

It is gently lifted to lighter shades (over several weeks) and then coloured down to the required shade.

This is to ensure all batches are the same as the colour selected from the colour rings for consistent colour matching.

If you colour your natural hair you will have regular root retouches and the colour will be taken through the lengths to freshen the colour from fading and ensure the colour is the same throughout.

All the brands we use are chosen for the longevity of wear and the same applies. If the hair fitted to your system lasts for more than 12 months its natural to expect that over time the colour will fade over time and the degree will vary depending on what it has been exposed to.

  1. Sun / UV light
  2. Incorrect products that can strip colour
  3. Washing more than 3 times a week
  4. Hard Water
  5. High pH level water

Hard Water discolouration due to mineral deposits is different to colour fade (see Holiday Aftercare for Hard Water Discolouration)

However Hard Water creates a pH imbalance causing the cuticle to raise, thus resulting in faster colour fade allowing the colour deposits to stripped from the hair faster.

Also the use of '"No Tears" formula childrens / baby shampoo will accelerate colour fade, although the ingredients are mild, these have a higher pH level as above.

Blonde systems will need maintaining to prevent brassy tones appearing. Using  our recommended Blue Shampoo once a week will help prevent this.

Some blondes may require a toner to maintain tone.

Ash shades will gradually throw off warmer tones due to the underlying colour (remember extensions are coloured down in shade)

Using our recommended Blue Shampoo will help maintain tone, however a professional toner may be required over time.

*Colouring of your system hair is always done at own risk, even if performed by a professional.  

*Coloured system hair invalidates any manufacturer guarantees as this changes the structure of the original product

*We always recommend a test strand before colouring the hair to assess final result

*System hair can be coloured down in shade or tone but we do not recommend attempting to lighten.

*Some of the flat weft tops we use are double stitched & adhesive sealed which prevents shedding. Chemicals from colour can break down the additional adhesive seal which may cause some shedding from the weft.

This image sis a perfect example, The same client with her weft at 6 months and on removal at 12 months. It originally was a dark brown matching the weft top.

This client did not have her weft coloured during wear as she was happy with the ombre / balayage effect it created.

She also did not use our recommended aftercare products which help prevent colour fade.

This image is also a perfect demonstration of a neat application, good aftercare ensures a neat, easy to maintain growth, here the Lock Stitch is clearly visible and intact.


colouring your natural hair

The recommended time to have your colour service is at your refit appointment. 

If your have natural hair exposed eg perimeter edges or below the system if you only have a half meche this area can be coloured with the system is in place.

The system must not be coloured whilst it is on the head. 



Tie hair up. Not tightly or very high on top of the head as this risks pulling on the hair in the lower nape area.

If head becomes wet due to sweat wash and dry thoroughly after.


swimming / hot tubs / jacuzzi

You can swim whilst wearing  a Meche Integration System but strict aftercare guidelines must be followed.

Also applies to use of a hot tub.

  1. If possible wear a swimming cap.
  2. Protect mid lengths and ends of hair by spraying with leave in conditioner (or a diluted solution of your normal conditioner) avoiding root area)
  3. Plait Hair and tie up away from touching the water
  4. Shampoo, condition & dry immediately after.
  5. Regulars swimmers must use the Malibu C Swimmers Wellness Shampoo and Conditioner
  6. Use the MalibuC Swimmers Wellness Sachet once a week.

*For further information please see  Swimming Aftercare


holiday aftercare / sunscreen / discolouration

Please see Holiday Guidelines for full explanation.

Blonde hair systems may experience orange / pink discolouration even if you haven't travelled abroad. 

This can be caused by 4 factors:

  1. Hair has come into contact with a product containing the sunscreen Avobenzone
  2. Hair has come into contact with water with a high iron content (Hard Water)
  3. Hair has come into contact with Fake Tan / Coloured tanning moisturiser
  4. Hair has come into contact with an orange toned hair oil (such as Moroccan Oil) which has built up over time.

sunbeds / saunas / steam rooms

Wrap dry hair in a hair turban to protect.

Hair continuously exposed to UV light will experience colour change over time.



Matting occurs due to poor aftercare or not returning for your refits / removal during the recommended time. This will mean an excess of natural shed hair which can become entangled with the natural hair and neighbouring shed hair. 

Matting is one of the primary causes of damage.

This is due to the hairs being pulled in from all directions and twisted and caught within the matt.

Tying hair up and going to bed with wet hair will cause matting.

Not separating the weft rows regularly and not brushing the root area correctly also cause matting.

Hard Water has a high pH value causing the cuticle to raise, this can result in the outer layer being 'roughened" which can also be a contributing factor to matting.

(Please see   'Holiday Aftercare" for further info on Hard Water effects.

If you can feel a matt forming deal with it immediately. 

If it is not manageable book a maintenance appointment ASAP

Unfortunately severe matting can only be removed by removing the weft hair so please be meticulous in your aftercare routine.


realignments / refits 

You must return for your realignment / refit within the timescale recommended to you. 

When your system is initially fitted it has 100% support sections securely holding it in tight position. 

As your hair continues to grow and naturally shed there is less support from the hair at the root / scalp over time.

Your realignments and refits are recommended within a timescale based on your personal requirements, to ensure that there is no risk of the system moving & pulling the remaining support hairs from the scalp 

No liability is accepted for  damage occurring from not returning within the recommended time scale, self removal or carried out by third parties including other extensionists and salons.



  • Wait until time lapse advised before your first shampoo post application.
  • Shampoo your system a maximum of twice a week
  • Brush & detangle before shampooing
  • Always use recommended aftercare products
  • Wash hair in upright position not leant over the bath
  • Apply shampoo in an up and down, not circular motion to massage at root
  • Use conditioner through mid lengths & ends only avoiding the roots , meche and connections
  • Ensure shampoo and conditioner are thoroughly rinsed
  • Gently squeeze excess water & blot dry in towel 
  • Use a leave in conditioner and  CLEAR hair oil
  • Use a conditioning treatment once a week
  • Always use a brush specifically designed for hair extensions
  • Support root area when brushing and start from the ends brushing downwards moving up towards the roots
  • Blow-dry root / meche area on medium setting and finish with cool shot
  • Use a heat protection product when using heated styling tools
  • Separate connections and weft rows  regularly to avoid matting
  • Tie hair in a low ponytail or plait for sleeping
  • Wrap hair in a towel when using a sunbed or sauna
  • Tie up when exercising / playing sports
  • Wear a hat for swimming
  • Shampoo straight after swimming to remove chlorine
  • Return for regular realignment /refit / appointments within the time scale recommended
  • Return to have your system professionally removed



  • Wash your hair before the recommended time post fitting
  • Do not use a circular motion or harsh scrubbing motion when shampooing
  • Do not wash more than the recommended times per week
  • Do not apply conditioner onto the roots, meche or connections
  • When towel drying do not roll or rub hair 
  • Do not leave damp hair in towel for prolonged periods of time
  • Never tie hair up when wet
  • Never apply styling products or hair oil on the roots / meche /  connections
  • Do not use products not specified for hair extension use
  • Do not use products not recommended by us
  • Do not use a comb on the root / meche or connection area
  • Do not blow dry root / meche or connections on a hot / high setting
  • Do not pick or twist the attachments
  • Do not pull your hair on your hair system
  • Do not bleach or perm your system
  • Do not colour your system whilst on the head
  • Do not remove the system yourself
  • Leave your system in for longer than advised
  • Do not allow hair to come into contact with products containing Avobenzone
  • Do not allow the hair to come into contact with fake tan or tinted moisturisers
  • Do not use a coloured hair oil


aftercare products

We offer a range of Aftercare products all designed specifically for Hair Extensions.

You will be advised on the products most suited to your personal requirements.

Please click  here to view the full range. 

© 2019 Abigail Nicholls

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