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── clip in / flip in / hair piece aftercare ──

everything you need to know about 

looking after your clip in / flip in & hair pieces



All our Clip Ins,  Flip In Hair, Human Hair Bun, Master Partings & Ponytail are 100% Human Hair so can be treated as your natural hair



Always use a brush recommended specifically for hair extensions. These are designed with a flexible base and  flexible bristles to allow brushing  without damaging or snagging the connections.

Begin brushing from the ends working towards the top using downwards strokes. This prevents pulling and dragging knots and tangles through the entire length. 



  1. Brush hair before washing.
  2. Ensure extensions / hair piece is thoroughly wet (saturated)
  3. Use a 10 pence size amount of the Abigail Nicholls Velvet Hair Extension Shampoo & massage between hands slightly to begin a lather before applying
  4. Gently massage into the hair, do not use harsh scrubbing motion a simple massage along the lengths is sufficient.
  5. Rinse thoroughly and repeat a second time.
  6. Rinse thoroughly. 

The Abigail Nicholls aftercare products can be purchased in salon or via our online SHOP



Always condition hair after shampooing. 

Some conditioners contain heavy silicones which can cause heavy build up on the hair causing it to be lank and 'clump' together, so always use the recommended conditioners.

  1. Squeeze out excess water
  2. Apply the Abigail Nicholls Plush Hair Extensions Conditioner throughout . (We  recommend using the Abigail Nicholls Shampoo Brush to evenly distribute conditioner which also detangles at the same time)  
  3. Leave for 5 minutes or more.
  4. Rinse thoroughly ensuring no conditioner os left in any of the clips /attachments.
  5. Squeeze out excess water
  6. Wrap in towel.

*Older hair or those worn regularly will benefit from using the Abigail Nicholls Lavish Intense Deep donditioning treatment as this will extend the longevity of your extensions 

The Abigail Nicholls aftercare products can be purchased in salon or via our online SHOP



Do not leave wrapped in towel for a prolonged period of time.

  1. Gently blot excess moisture do not rub.
  2. Using the recommended leave in conditioning spray / detangler and spray liberally throughout
  3. Apply hair oil beginning at the ends and work into the hair but don't apply into the top area
  4. Brush through starting from ends working in a downward stroke towards the top.
  5. The hair is best  left to dry naturally by being hung up to air dry. . 
  6. If blowdrying he heat of the dryer should be set to medium, not hot. Keep the hairdryer nozzle facing down the hair and dry from the top downwards. You can use a blow-dry brush provided it has flexible natural bristles that won't pull or catch the attachments or melt with heat. Continue drying the length.


heated styling tools

Your extensions are 100% Human Hair and can be heat styled just as you would your natural hair.

Using a leave in conditioner and hair oil will act as  heat protection and help to remoisturise the hair.

You can also use a specific heat protection but you must check the ingredients do not contain the sunscreen Avobenzone as this will lead to discolouration in blond extensions. (See Holiday Aftercare)


styling products

Styling products can be used but ensure the root area and attachments are avoided.

Be sure to check the ingredient list for the sunscreen Avobenzone which is commonly used in products with UV filters and heat protection products.s this will lead to discolouration in blond hair.

Please refer to Holiday Aftercare for more info on Avobenzone and other names it it is listed as.



NEVER go to bed with your clip in / Flip In or Hair pieces in as this can lead to matting and the natural hair being damaged by the clips.


colour fade & colouring your extensions

Hair Extensions undergo colour processing during manufacture.

The hair when it is selected at source is Virgin Hair, meaning it has never undergone a chemical process.  

The hair begins at a very dark shade from black to dark brown.

It is gently lifted to lighter shades (sometimes over weeks) and then coloured down to the required shade.

This is to ensure all batches are the same as the colour selected from the colour rings.

If you colour your natural hair you will have regular root retouches and the colour will be taken through the lengths to freshen the colour from fading and ensure the colour is the same throughout.

All the brands we use are chosen for the longevity of wear and the same applies. If your extensions last for more than 12 months its natural to expect that over time the colour of your extensions will fade depending on what it has been exposed to:

  1. Sun / UV light
  2. Incorrect products that can strip colour
  3. Washing more than 3 times a week
  4. Hard Water

Hard Water discolouration due to mineral deposits is different to colour fade (see Holiday Aftercare for Hard water Discolouration)

However Hard Water creates a pH imbalance causing the cuticle to raise, thus resulting in faster colour fade allowing the colour deposits to stripped from the hair faster.

Also the use of '"No Tears" formula childrens / baby shampoo will accelerate colour fade as these have a higher pH level as above.

Blonde extensions will need maintaining to prevent brassy tones appearing. Using  our recommended Blue Shampoo once a week will help prevent this.

Some blondes may require a toner to maintain tone.

Ash shades will gradually throw off warmer tones due to the underlying colour (remember extensions are coloured down in shade)

Using our recommended Blue Shampoo will help maintain tone, however a professional toner may be required over time.

*Colouring of extensions is always done at own risk, even if performed by a professional.  

*The clips are made of metal and should not come into contact with bleach, tint or peroxide.

*Coloured extensions invalidate any manufacturer guarantees as this changes the structure of the original product

*We always recommend a test strand before colouring the extensions to assess final result

*Extensions can be coloured down in shade or tone but we do not recommend attempting to lift them.

*The weft tops we use are double stitched & adhesive sealed which prevents shedding. Chemicals from colour can break down the additional adhesive seal which may cause some shedding from the weft.

This image sis a perfect example, The same client with her weft at 6 months and on removal at 12 months. It originally was a dark brown matching the weft top.

This client did not have her weft coloured during wear as she was happy with the ombre / balayage effect it created.

She also did not use our recommended aftercare products which help prevent colour fade.

This image is also a perfect demonstration of a neat application, good aftercare ensures a neat, easy to maintain growth, here the Lock Stitch is clearly visible and intact.


holiday aftercare / sunscreen / discolouration

Please see Holiday Guidelines for full explanation.

Blonde hair extensions may experience orange / pink discolouration even if you haven't travelled abroad. 

This can be caused by 4 factors:

  1. Hair has come into contact with a product containing the sunscreen Avobenzone
  2. Hair has come into contact with water with a high iron content (Hard Water)
  3. Hair has come into contact with Fake Tan / Coloured tanning moisturiser
  4. Hair has come into contact with an orange toned hair oil (such as Moroccan Oil) which has built up over time.


aftercare products

We offer a range of Aftercare products all designed specifically for Hair Extensions.

You will be advised on the products most suited to your personal requirements.

Please click here to view the full range.

© 2019 Abigail Nicholls

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